Donohoe’s confidence Shatter-ed

The late Adrian Donohoe RIP

The late Adrian Donohoe RIP

Murdered Detective Adrian Donohoe spoke out against Justice Minister Alan Shatter attending this year’s Garda Representative Association annual conference, just three days before his killing, it has emerged.

The Evening Herald reports that this had a massive bearing on the Gardaí’s decision not to invite the minister to the event this week in Westport, Co Mayo.

Garda Robbie Peelo told the newspaper that if Adrian “were alive today he would demand that he not be here because of the way Alan Shatter and the government are so out of touch with ourselves and everyone else in this country.”

Garda Peelo added that Donohoe was “very vocal” on the subject.

Previously: Series of searches carried out in Donohoe murder investigation

Source: Slain Garda didn’t want Shatter at conference (Evening Herald)