Mandate Trade Union to investigate claims that Dunnes Stores worker in Dundalk was unfairly dismissed a day after strike

Tony Malone (right) on the picket line last week with Mandate's local rep John Callan

Tony Malone (right) on the picket line last week with Mandate’s local rep John Callan

The Mandate Trade Union are set to investigate claims that a local Dunnes Stores employee had his contract terminated illegally a day after last week’s strike.

Tony Malone from Muirhevnamor joined colleagues on the picket line on Holy Thursday, April 2nd, only to be let go from his job in the Marshes Shopping Centre 24 hours later.

He said he was called into the office after lunchtime on Good Friday by the store manager and HR manager, who informed him he was being let go “due to the downturn in business.” He said this came as a surprise to him as his review with management had gone well a few weeks earlier.

In an interview with The Irish Times, Mr Malone said he was still “mad” at what had happened.

Tony Malone spoke to The Irish Times about the matter in a video interview

Tony Malone spoke to The Irish Times about the matter in a video interview

Mandate’s Divisional Organiser Willie Hamilton said: “We’re investigating the facts around the unfair dismissal of Tony that happened the day after the industrial dispute we had on the 2nd of April. We will be taking legal advice in respect of that and we will also be consulting with our members who came out on strike on that day as to what action they believe is appropriate in these circustances.”

Mr Hamilton claimed there had been a “range of retribution” across the country against those who went on strike.

Mr Malone, who first started working in Dunnes four and a half years ago, said he believes he signed a full-time contract last September. It is understood, however, that Dunnes believe this may have only been a short-term contract after a brief break in his employment with the company.

Dunnes refused the opportunity to comment to The Irish Times.

You can view Mr Malone’s video interview here.