Number signing on Live Register rises slightly in May

00018679-314The number of people claiming social welfare payments in Dundalk continued to rise slightly last month, according to the latest data from the Central Statistics Office.

The Liver Register figures for the area shows there were 6,555 people signing on in the area in May, up marginally from 6,547 in April.

There had been five consecutive months of falling figures at the back end of last year but increases of 1.9% and 0.3% were recorded in January and February respectively at the start of 2014. March then saw the first fall of the year when unemployment fell by 1.7% to 6,635.

This fell again to 6,547 in April before the minor increase last month.

Despite this the current figures still mean the number of people signing on is at its lowest since November 2010 when 6,449 claiming dole in the town.

The overall figure for Louth also grew marginally during the month from 15,339 to 15,485.

Live Register figures for Dundalk fall for first time this year in March

00018679-314The number of people claiming social welfare payments in Dundalk fell for the first time this year in March, according to the latest data from the Central Statistics Office.

The Live Register figures for the area shows there were 6,635 people signing on in the area last month, down 1.7% from the 6,752 in the previous month.

There had been five consecutive months of falling figures at the back end of last year but increases of 1.9% and 0.3% were recorded in January and February respectively at the start of 2014.

Despite this the current figures still mean the number of people signing on is at its lowest since November 2010 when 6,449 claiming dole in the town.

The overall figure for Louth also fell by 1.6% in March from 15,736 to 15,485.

Number signing on in Dundalk rises in January

00018679-314The number of people claiming social welfare payments in Dundalk rose for the first time in six months in January, according to the latest data from the Central Statistics Office.

The Live Register figures for the area shows there were 6,734 people signing on in the area last month, up 1.9% from the 6,611 in the previous month – effectively wiping out the fall recorded in December, which was also 1.9%.

Prior to this month there had been five consecutive months of falls but the current figures still means the number of people signing on is at its lowest since November 2010 when 6,449 claiming dole in the town.

The overall figure for Louth also rose by 2.2% in January from 15,376 to 15,713.

These figures bucked the national trend, which showed unemployment continuing to fall last month.