Live Register figures in Dundalk fall for the first time in five months

00018679-314Live Register figures for Dundalk fell for the first time in five months in August.

The latest figures from the Central Statistics Office (CSO) show that there were 6,255 people signed on in Dundalk in August, down by 1.4% on the 6,341 who were claiming dole payments in July. This was still 6.4% higher though than in March when there were 5,881 on the register.

On a county level there were 14,611 people signing on last month. This was also the first fall in five months, down 1.2% from June. There were also falls recorded in both Ardee (1.7%) and Drogheda (0.8%).

Number claiming dole payments in Dundalk falls for first time in four months in August

00018679-314The Live Register figures for Dundalk fell for the first time since March last month.

The latest figures from the Central Statistics Office (CSO) show that there were 6,255 people signed on in Dundalk last month, a fall of 1.4% from the 6,341 who were caliming dole payments in July.

This is the first fall after four consecutive months of increases but the numbers on the Live Register in the town are still 6.4% higher than they were in March when just 5,881 were on the register.

On a county level there were 14,611 people signing on last month, also the first fall since March and down by 1.2%.

There was also falls recorded in Ardee (-1.7%) and Drogheda (-0.8%).

Live Register figures rise for a fourth straight month in Dundalk

00018679-314Live Register figures for Dundalk grew for the fourth straight month in July.

The latest figures from the Central Statistics Office (CSO) show that there were 6,341 people signed on in Dundalk last month, up 7.8% from March and by 2.14% on the 6,208 who were claiming dole payments in June.

On a county level there were 14,781 people signing on last month. This was also the fourth straight month of rises, with the figure up 2.03% on June. There were also increases recorded in both Ardee (-2.94%) and Drogheda (-1.69%).

These figures bucked the national trend with 2,100 people less signing on in June.

Live Register figures up 0.3% in Dundalk despite national decline

00018679-314Live Register figures for Dundalk grew slightly last month despite unemployment at a national level falling below the 10% mark for the first time since early 2009.

The latest figures from the Central Statistics Office (CSO) show that there were 5,900 people signed on in Dundalk last month, an increase on the 5,881 who were on the register in March – a rise of 0.3%.

This is the first increase recorded in the Live Register figures in Dundalk since January.

On a county level there were 13,844 people signing on last month, down by 0.6% from the 13,924 a month earlier. There were also declines recorded in both Ardee (-1.4%) and Drogheda (-1.2%).

Despite the narrow rise last month, unemployment levels in Dundalk are at their lowest level in six years since April 2009 when 5,871 people were on the Live Register.

Live Register figures for Dundalk fall for first time this year in March

00018679-314The number of people claiming social welfare payments in Dundalk fell for the first time this year in March, according to the latest data from the Central Statistics Office.

The Live Register figures for the area shows there were 6,635 people signing on in the area last month, down 1.7% from the 6,752 in the previous month.

There had been five consecutive months of falling figures at the back end of last year but increases of 1.9% and 0.3% were recorded in January and February respectively at the start of 2014.

Despite this the current figures still mean the number of people signing on is at its lowest since November 2010 when 6,449 claiming dole in the town.

The overall figure for Louth also fell by 1.6% in March from 15,736 to 15,485.

Number signing on in Dundalk rises in January

00018679-314The number of people claiming social welfare payments in Dundalk rose for the first time in six months in January, according to the latest data from the Central Statistics Office.

The Live Register figures for the area shows there were 6,734 people signing on in the area last month, up 1.9% from the 6,611 in the previous month – effectively wiping out the fall recorded in December, which was also 1.9%.

Prior to this month there had been five consecutive months of falls but the current figures still means the number of people signing on is at its lowest since November 2010 when 6,449 claiming dole in the town.

The overall figure for Louth also rose by 2.2% in January from 15,376 to 15,713.

These figures bucked the national trend, which showed unemployment continuing to fall last month.

Number on Live Register in Dundalk falls by 1.9% in December

00018679-314The number of people claiming social welfare payments in Dundalk continued to fall last month, according to the latest data from the Central Statistics Office.

The latest Live Register figures for the area shows there were 6,611 people signing on in December, down 1.9% from the 6,737 in the previous month.

This is the fifth consecutive month in which the Live Register figure has fallen and means the number of people signing on is at its lowest since November 2010 when 6,449 people were signed on.

The number of men signing on fell by 51 in December to 4,148, while the number of women also dropped by 75 to 2,463.

The overall figure for Louth also fell by 0.2% in December from 15,410 to 15,376.