Spending on agency staff falls in Louth Hospital

The Louth County Hospital in Dundalk

The Louth County Hospital in Dundalk

Spending on agency staff at the Louth County Hospital in Dundalk has fallen from €2.2m in 2007 to €1.3m last year, according to new figures released by the HSE.

Despite this cutback, the cost of employing agency staff in the Louth-Meath Hospital Group has more than doubled from €10.3m in 2007 to more than €23m in 2013.

Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital in Drogheda saw the biggest increase with costs rising from just over €5m seven years ago to €15.6 million last year.

Just over €6m was spent at Our Lady’s in Navan in 2013 as well, more than double the amount spent in 2007.

Sinn Féin, who received the figures via a parliamentary question in the Dáil, have described the overall increases as a massive waste of public money.