Phillips family break silence to pay tribute to Garda Golden

Siobhan Phillips

Siobhan Phillips

The parents of Siobhan Phillips, the woman fighting for her life after being shot in the incident that led to the death of Garda Tony Golden in Omeath on Sunday evening, have broken their silence to pay tribute to the fallen officer.

Sean and Norma Phillips said: “We would like to pay tribute to and express our condolences to the family and colleagues of Garda Anthony Golden.

“Garda Golden, in the service and protection of others, laid down his life for my daughter Siobhan, myself and my family.

“There are no words to express our gratitude for his bravery, we are forever in his debt.

“Our beautiful daughter Siobhan, a loving mother, sister and friend, is fighting for her life.

“For now, we pray for Siobhan’s recovery and for the family of Garda Golden as they face their immeasureable grief.”

The Phillips family also asked for privacy as their daughter continues to fight for her life.

The 21-year-old mother of two remains in hospital after being shot by Adrian Crevan Mackin in the same incident which claimed the life of Garda Golden on Sunday evening.

Siobhan and Garda Golden had drove to the Mullach Alainn estate in Omeath after giving a statement at the local Garda Station that she was in fear of her life.

The pair were accompanied by her father Sean, stepmother Norma, aunt Lorraine McBride and brother Ryan Phillips.

On Friday evening, Siobhan – who concealed much of the abuse she suffered at the hands of Crevan Mackin from her family in order to protect them – was subjected to a prolonged overnight attack by Crevan Mackin. He threatened to kill her and her entire family.

Siobhan was “battered black and blue” when she left her home on Saturday morning to go to work as a hairdresser in her native Newry. She applied makeup to conceal her facial wounds and even put blue and black eyeshadow on one of her eyes to make it seem as if the marbled look was intended.

It was anything but.

Nothing could conceal her fear and on Saturday afternoon she called her stepmother Norma Phillips with the simple words “Norma, I’m terrified.”

Following Siobhan’s cry for help, the Phillips family travelled immediately to Dundalk Garda Station on Saturday to make a formal complaint about Crevan Mackin, but say they were told they had to make the complaint at Siobhan’s local garda station in Omeath.

Adrian Crevan Mackin was well known to gardai in Louth. At the time of Garda Golden’s murder, he was signing on three times a week after being charged in the Special Criminal Court last January on charges of membership of the IRA.

Garda Tony Golden RIP

Garda Tony Golden RIP

Such were her injuries, Siobhan Phillips attended Daisy Hill Hospital in Newry on Saturday night, where staff expressed alarm at the seriousness and notified the PSNI about the assault.

Siobhan did not return to her home on Saturday night and ensured her children were safe with family. Determined never to return to Crevan Mackin, Siobhan and her family travelled on Sunday to Omeath.

There they met Garda Golden, who listened to her story and dutifully took her statement.

It was, says Sean Phillips, the first time that Siobhan had felt safe – safe enough to venture home to Mullach Alainn and retrieve some belongings. Garda Golden said he would accompany Siobhan Phillips for what proved to be a final, fatal assignment.

Entering into Mullach Alainn, the trio saw Crevan Mackin’s car. Garda Golden told Sean Phillips to remain in the car so as not to aggravate Crevan Mackin.

Garda Golden and Siobhan Phillips opened the front door and entered the property. According to Sean, Garda Golden informed Crevan Mackin that they were simply there to retrieve some of her belongings.

Words were exchanged, but to no avail as, after a few moments, Garda Golden and Siobhan Phillips were met by a hail of bullets fired by Crevan Mackin, who turned an illegal Glock handgun on the pair before killing himself. Sean Phillips told The Irish Independent he is in no doubt that Garda Golden saved Siobhan’s life and spared his.

Father of woman shot in Omeath alerted Gardaí to shots being fired

Garda Tony Golden RIP

Garda Tony Golden RIP

The father of a woman critically injured in a domestic dispute alerted gardaí to shots which left Garda Tony Golden and a gunman dead, investigating gardaí said today.

At a press conference at Dundalk Garda Station, Supt Gerry Curley said Garda Golden, a father-of-three, had taken a statement from a woman by prior arrangement on Sunday afternoon regarding a complaint of alleged domestic abuse.

Afterwards, Garda Golden, accompanied by the woman and her father, went to her home at 16 Mullach Alainn, Omeath.

Both Garda Golden and the woman entered the house, while her father remained outside.

“Shortly afterwards gunshots were heard in the house. Her father immediately raised the alarm and the gardaí were contacted by way of 999,” Supt Curley said.

When emergency services responded, they found the body of Garda Golden with a number of gunshot wounds which proved to be fatal.

The woman’s partner, dissident republican Adrian Crevan Mackin, was found with a fatal gunshot wound.

The woman received a number of “serious gunshot wounds” and is in a critical condition in Beaumont Hospital in Dublin. It is understood the couple have been together for several years since the woman finished school four years ago and have two children, both under the age of four. The children were not in the house at the time of the shooting.

Supt Curley said a firearm was recovered at the scene.

“A full investigation is now underway into all aspects surrounding this incident,” he said.

Speaking at the press conference, Garda Commissioner Noirin O’Sullivan said it was a “sad and tragic” day for the force and local community.

Garda Golden was originally from Ballina, Co Mayo, and was the father of two girls and a boy under the age of eight.

He had been living in Blackrock, Co Louth, with his family and was based in Omeath Garda station.

“I’m particularly mindful that this is the second tragedy that has been visited on the local community here and, in particular, the members in Dundalk district,” the commissioner said.

She said some of the gardaí at the scene of the shooting on Sunday were also on the scene of the fatal shooting of detective Adrian Donohoe in Belurgan in January 2013, following a botched raid.

Nobody has yet been charged with Garda Donohoe’s killing.

“It is a very traumatic time. An investigation has commenced and all aspects of the investigation will be completely followed,” she said.

Commissioner O’Sullivan also paid tribute to Garda Golden’s dedication and service over his 11 years in the force.

“Tony was a very respected member who was held in high esteem. He lived in the community, he worked in the community and he served the community,” Ms O’Sullivan said.

“He served the community with dignity, pride and distinction. He was a very proud family man.. the loss is unthinkable for Nicola, her parents and the extended family.”

When questioned over issues of personal safety for Garda Golden given the threat posed by Crevan Mackin, Ms O’Sullivan said investigations were continuing.

“There are dangerous people right throughout the community. Without going into the circumstance of this case, there is an investigation underway, all the circumstances leading up to these tragic events will be fully established,” she said.

“It’s not appropriate to comment further at this time over any of the individuals involved, other than to say … there is always that unknown factor,” she said.

“So, when people go about their duty, they go about it with diligence, bravery and courage, without fear or favour. I think that’s a very important thing to remember on a day like today.

“The job the men and women of An Garda Síochána do, they do it courageously, bravely and unfortunately as of today 88 members have lost their lives in tragic ways…”

Information sought on stolen cigarette machine in Omeath

Gardaí are appealing for information after a cigarette machine and all of its content, including cigarettes and cash, were stolen from a filling station in Omeath last week.

The incident happened in the early hours of Thursday morning at Knocknagoran.

The thieves broke in and removed the machine intact from the premises.

Gardaí feel it would have had to be loaded onto a vehicle and are appealing for anyone who may have witnessed this or spotted anything suspicious in the area that night or that morning to contact them at Omeath Garda Station on 042 9375175.