Adams welcomes Yes vote in referendum

Sinn+Fein+president+Gerry+Adams+Local TD Gerry Adams has welcomed the overwhelming vote in support of the marriage equality referendum in County Louth.

The referendum saw 63.5% of the electorate vote Yes with the Sinn Féin president proud of everyone who did so.

He said: “I want to commend all of those in County Louth who have participated in the referendum campaign over the last few months.

“The hard work and dedication of the Yes campaign was rewarded. The Yes vote for marriage equality is a resounding vote of confidence in the future. It has brought a new generation into the political process. It demonstrated the power of our people to drive the process of change and a demand for an equality.

“The marriage equality rights that will be enjoyed by Irish citizens in the south must be shared with citizens in the north. We need further constitutional change to fully build the republic promised in the proclamation.

“It is a good day for equality and compassion, and a good day for Ireland,” he said.

McGahon goes above and beyond to help Carlingford twins vote

Cllr John McGahon (right) with Cillian and Gearoid McDonald after they voted in Carlingford

Cllr John McGahon (right) with Cillian and Gearoid McDonald after they voted in Carlingford

Local councillor John McGahon went above and beyond the call of duty to help two brothers vote in today’s marriage equality referendum.

The Fine Gael representative for Dundalk-Carlingford received a phone call from twins Cillian and Gearoid McDonald to say they were stranded in Dublin and wanted to get home to vote.

The Dundalk Rugby Club member then hopped in his car to pick them up and take them back to Carlingford where they both voted Yes.

For Cillian it could be a particularly historical contribution as he emigrates to Australia on Sunday.

Rainbow cake to mark referendum day on sale in 23 Seats


Unless you’ve been living under a rock all day you’ll know that the country is going to the polls right now to vote in the marriage equality referendum.

Whether you choose to vote Yes or No is your democratic right but no matter what side of the fence you come down on it’s hard not to be impressed by this rainbow cake.

The creation of Brodigan’s Londis Cakery in Quay Street and on sale in 23 Seats in Crowe Street it really is magnificent. Why not call in for a slice and a cuppa after voting today.


McAteer’s make last ditch appeal for Yes vote in marriage equality referendum

Bobby Wain and Jerome McAteer

Bobby Wain and Jerome McAteer

One of Dundalk’s best known gay couples have issued a last ditch appeal for people to vote yes in tomorrow’s marriage equality referendum.

Jerome McAteer and Bobby Wain, best known as the proprietors of popular Clanbrassil Street eatery McAteer’s Food House, have been in a relationship for a number of years.

Ahead of Friday’s vote though, Jerome took to the McAteer’s Facebook page encouraging people to vote Yes.

He said: “So everyone we are almost there. Thank God!! Myself & Bob would like all our family, friends & lovely customers to give a YES vote this Friday so as ALL people of Ireland whoever you love will have the same right to marry. It is ALL Ireland’s gay peoples’ future at stake here & especially our future children.

“As Mary McAleese put it so well: ‘The only children affected by this referendum will be Ireland’s gay children. It is their future which is at stake. It is in our hands. They are too few in number to win this on their own. A yes vote costs the rest of us nothing. A no vote costs our gay children everything.’

“So please
for all gay people right now.
For all our future gay children.
And indeed for myself & Bob 

“Thank you & fingers crossed for Friday. X”


Dundalk wedding planner outlines reasons why to vote Yes on Friday

In the build-up to Friday’s marriage equality referendum there are plenty of videos which have been put together encouraging you which way to vote.

Talk of the Town has already pledged its support towards a Yes vote and the local campaign has been pretty much superb.

With that in mind, we thought we’d share with you this video featuring local wedding planner Gareth Matthews about his experiences and those of others on ‘the problems with gay relationships’.

Faughart couple Brighid and Paddy Whyte reiterate their call for a Yes vote next Friday

Ahead of next Friday’s marriage equality referendum, local couple Brighid and Paddy Whyte have released a new video campaigning for a Yes vote.

The Faughart couple, who will be 50 years married this year, shot to fame back in March when they came out in support of a Yes vote on May 22nd.

Brighid says they have been “overwhelmed” by the reaction to their video since then and encouraged everyone to make sure they vote next Friday.

She added: “Make sure that you read the facts and ignore the distractions. Bring your family and friends with you to the polling station and tick yes on the white sheet of paper.”

Paddy also clarified an issue causing confusion regarding adoption, saying gay people’s rights in relation to this would be unchanged regardless of the election result.

Check them out above.

Dundalk Outcomers ‘disappointed’ with Argus advert but excuse paper from blame

dundalkoutcomersDundalk Outcomers have issued a statement in relation to the controversial advert in yesterday’s Argus newspaper.

The paper came under fire for publishing an advert promoting the No side in the marriage equality referendum on Friday week.

While a balanced debate is welcomed, many felt the use of the word ‘Shame’ in the ad was inappropriate and attacked the paper on a number of social media channels.

Commenting on the matter, Bernardine Quinn, the project manager for Dundalk Outcomers said she was “disappointed” with the advert but did not point the finger of the blame at The Argus.

She said: “Yes Equality Louth is disappointed by the misinformation spread by the No campaign. All people can and should have their say, but it is important that people know exactly what it is they are voting on.

“The Referendum Commission and the Adoption Authority confirmed this week that the referendum will not have an effect on surrogacy laws or the adoption process. There are children growing up in many types of families and we believe all families matter and are worthy of respect.

“The referendum on May 22 is about one thing only, extending civil marriage – giving equal rights to equal citizens. The Marriage Equality Referendum gives us the chance to shape the Ireland we want to live in. Yes Equality Louth believes in a fair and equal Ireland where all people are treated the same.

“Over the years we have seen the Argus provide coverage for LGBT events held by Dundalk Outcomers or Dundalk Pride. We understand and appreciate that the advert is not a reflection of the views or attitudes of those who work for the Argus, people who we have found to be balanced and professional in our dealings with them. We do not condone any personal attacks on the character of the Argus employees as the real culprits here are those who created an offensive advert designed to deliberately mislead.

“We would ask those who are angry about the advert not to take it out on the Argus or their employees, but instead to join us in combating misinformation and spreading the positive messages of the Yes Equality campaign. Join us in canvassing, speak to family and friends or donate to the campaign.

“We are so thankful for all the support we have received from both local people and local businesses in Dundalk, some of which is also highlighted in this week’s Argus. We have full confidence that on the 22nd of May the people of Louth will make their own informed decisions about this referendum.”

The advert from this week's Argus newspaper

The advert from this week’s Argus newspaper

Dundalk businesses support Yes vote in marriage equality referendum

We support a Yes Vote!A number of local businesses have come together to support a Yes vote in the marriage equality referendum on Friday week, May 22nd.

In a joint campaign, the businesses said: “We are local businesses who are proud to have joined companies in every part of Ireland who support civil marriage equality.

“Our staff and customers are central to everything we do. We strive to treat all our staff and customers equally. We believe civil marriage equality will be good for lesbian and gay staff and customers, good for our community and good for Ireland.”

The local businesses to sign up include: 23 Seats, Barry’s Café, Baz Black Piercing, Brehon Brewhouse, Café 37, Carroll’s Books, Chaplin’s, Claddagh PR, Dara Whyte Sports Therapy, Dundalk Cricket Club, eBay, Eno, Erte Hair Art, Gerry Duffy Wedding Videos, Gyrolabs, John Whyte Electrical, Leaf Restaurant, McAteer’s The Food House, Mizu Hair & Beauty, Liberty Café, P McCormick (Dundalk) Ltd, Paddy Clarke Photography, Panama Coffee, PayPal, Priority Printing, Terry Kelly Wallpaper & Paints, The Home Bakery, The Market Bar, Vennectics and Webcast Ireland.

Talk of the Town has already pledged its support for a Yes vote on May 22nd.

Argus under fire for publishing controversial No campaign advert

The advert from this week's Argus newspaper

The advert from this week’s Argus newspaper

A number of people have hit out at The Argus newspaper over its publication of an advert in this week’s edition promoting a no vote in the forthcoming marriage equality referendum on Friday week.

The advert features a young girl saying ‘I want a mammy, NOT two daddies’ with ‘Shame’ being shouted at her.

Gareth Matthews described the ad as “scaremongering at its best” while Diane Kelly said she would not be buying the paper again because of the advert.

John Menary said “shame on you” while Joanne Murphy said she was “horrified” by the ad, adding “you really have let yourselves down printing something as nasty as this.”

Olly Keegan also hit out at the paper, saying: “It appears that the old adage is true, a paper never refuses ink. I have no objection to printing a balance of ads from both sides but to print these vile lies that just muddy the waters and don’t have anything to do with the Referendum, just scaremongering.”

Kim Bolger also chipped in on the argument, describing the advert as homophobic.

“Your permitting the No voters to print, in colour, a totally homophobic advertisement that implicates children in this disgusting, culturally backward debacle is an absolute disgrace. ‘shame’ is said?! SHAME on YOU.”

Responding via the Dundalk Northend and Friends Facebook page, journalist Margaret Roddy said: “Please don’t shoot the messenger! There’s a lot of controversary about an advertisement for the No campaign which appeared in this week’s Argus. People seem to be fogetting that we live in a democracy and that we have freedom of speech, which is something to be cherished, even if we don’t agree with what is being said.

“We also covered the launch of the Yes Equality campaign and carried two advertistements for the Yes campaign in this week’s paper. We have given extensive coverage to LGBT issues over the years, covering events organised by Dundalk Outcomers and Dundalk Pride.”

A number of people also criticised The Dundalk Leader newspaper last week when it was distributed through doors along with leaflets campaigning for a no vote on May 22nd.

The paper responded, however, with the following statement: “The No leaflets were not part of the Dundalk Leader. These leaflets were distributed by a distribution company that is independent of the Dundalk Leader. We were not endorsing a No vote by any means.

“In commercial terms, our revenue is generated by advertising. Leaflets and advertisements are inserted in our paper are of a strictly commercial nature are a message from an advertiser and are without any opinion from the publishers of the Dundalk Leader.”

Music for Yes event in Market Square tomorrow

Yes posters approaching the Market Square in Dundalk

Yes posters approaching the Market Square in Dundalk

The local Marriage Equality campaign group are holding a ‘Music for Yes’ event in the Market Square tomorrow from 12 noon to 5pm.

Ten bands have already confirmed their participation in supporting a Yes vote in the marriage referendum on May 22nd.

The event is free so feel free to pop along if you’re in the area.