New look Louth Hidden History app launched

A screenshot from the Louth Hidden History app

A screenshot from the Louth Hidden History app

A new look and updated Louth Hidden History App has been unveiled at the County Museum in Dundalk this morning, this time 
around featuring a collaboration with Louth-based Upstate Theatre Project.

The free app which was first launched in 2012 is an important tool for tourists visiting the area as well as those based locally who are keen on learning more about the history of the region.

The County Museum has joined forces with the Upstate Theatre Project and the groups latest project ECHOES: A Community Research Project Commemorating 1912-1922.

Upstate Theatre Project was supported in 2014 by the European Union’s PEACE III Programme in creating a large community action research project in Louth which sought to empower individuals, young and old, to research their own personal background and try to find out where their own ancestors may have been during the commemorative decade of 1912 to 1922.

Now, in association with Louth County Museum, Upstate Theatre Project is delighted to present the completed app developed with the artists, historians and team of 274 community researchers.

The launch was attended with Museum Curator Brian Walsh alongside Upstate’s Declan Mallon, Maura Mullen, Cait Murphy, Sandra Gough and Pat Kerley, and Graham O’Rourke of MOR Solutions uploading the first four narrated histories.

The four personal histories are only the beginning of what is to be a 
larger archive with Upstate Theatre Project hoping to build upon this foundation and, together with new and existing community researchers across Louth, continue to develop and add to the project in the coming years of this significant commemorative decade.

Speaking at the launch, Museum Curator, Brian Walsh said: “Louth Hidden History was a completely new innovation when we launched it in 2012 and I am thrilled that with the Upstate Theatre Project it is taken a new direction.”

Also speaking at the launch Declan Mallon said: “History is often, and necessarily, mediated to us. Someone writes that history, choosing what we need to know and what we don’t. Only through personal intervention can we prevent our individual histories being lost. But where do we start?

“What happened in Ireland between 1912 and 1922 happened in a global context, a turbulent time in human history. Through this project Upstate Theatre Project hopes to begin to uncover this period of commemoration and explore the humanity of our shared histories.”

The Louth Hidden History appis now available FREE at the Apple App Store.