Shot Garda named as father of three Tony Golden

Garda Tony Golden RIP

Garda Tony Golden RIP

An IRA terror suspect out on bail shot dead a garda responding to a domestic incident in Omeath last night.

The unarmed and uniformed officer murdered in the gun attack was a married father of three.

The officer, Garda Tony Golden – who lived in Blackrock – was responding to a 999 call that a woman felt threatened in a domestic incident in the village.

She was also seriously injured in the hail of bullets and was being treated in hospital. The gunman – named locally as 24-year-old Adrian Crevan Mackin – then turned the handgun on himself, taking his own life.

It is understood Gardaí escorted the woman to the house in Mullach Alainn to collect her personal items. When the woman entered the home she went to the bedroom where her and Garda Golden were shot.

The killing of the courageous young garda caused widespread shock and revulsion. Tributes were paid to the slain officer by his superiors and the government.

Garda Commissioner Noirin O’Sullivan said she was deeply saddened to hear of the death of her colleague while carrying out his duties.

Garda Representative Association President Dermot O’Brien described Garda Golden as a ‘hero’.

“Ireland has lost a hero; he laid his life on the line for the community he served,” he told Newstalk’s Breakfast this morning.

“Tony was a married man with three young children, and yesterday he went to a call and, sadly like all members of An Garda Síochána, his dedication to serve and protect has ended with the tragic loss of his life.”

The series of events which led to the shootings unfolded at a house in the Mullach Alainn estate in Omeath around 6pm. There were reports that young children may have been in the house at the time of the shooting.

It is alleged a Northern-registered BMW car seen driving away from the scene was later stopped by the PSNI in Newry.

A Garda source said the motorist, a Polish national, may be a potential witness to what happened in the quiet housing estate.