Dundalk Gardaí come to man’s rescue after gun and arson attack on house

Barrack Close

Barrack Close, where the incident occurred

Two local Gardaí came to a man’s rescue earlier today after his house suffered a gun and arson attack in the early hours of the morning.

The incident happened at Barrack Close, off Barrack Street and close to Hyde Park, around 1am.

A number of gun shots were fired at the front door and a front window of the house before what is believed to have been some form of petrol bomb was thrown through the window, causing extensive damage to the front room of the property.

After being alerted to the incident, two local Gardaí fored their way into the house where they found a 33-year-old man asleep in an upstairs bedroom.

They then pulled him from the house before an ambulance and Dundalk Fire Service arrived.

The scene was preserved after the incident, with a forensics team carrying out a technical examination.

Anyone who witnessed anything in the area at the time is asked to contact Dundalk Garda Station on 042 9335577 or the Garda Confidential Line on 1800 666 111.