Council will not be passing on tenant information to Irish Water

irishwater-waterchargesLouth County Council will not be handing over tenant information to Irish Water without their consent.

The decision was made at Monday’s meeting at Co Louth Golf Club in Baltray, where it was also agreed not to add outstanding water charges to the rent account of tenants.

Water charges have been in place since January, with the first bills expected in April. However, hundreds of thousands of households around the country have yet to sign up for them, with protests continuing.

There had been fears that the local authority may force its tenants into paying but this will not be the case after councillors pointed out that this would be in breach of data protection rights.

Quantum reunion planned for former Dundalk staff

A group shot of some of the former Quantum employees

A group shot of some of the former Quantum employees

Former employees of Quantum in Dundalk are organising a reunion for Saturday March 1st 2014.

So more than 100 ex-staff have confirmed their attendance, with many more being tracked down all the time.

Ciaran Reid of Ciaran Reid Safety Ltd in Louth Village is one of the key people behind the planned reunion, with a committee being formed to iron out the full details between now and next March.

Quantum, which was based in the Finnabair Industrial Estate, employed around 550 people in the town at its peak, with the factory closing for good seven years ago in the summer of 2006.

As well as bringing a number of couples together, the factory was also known for its charitable donations and its sports and social clubs.

A US-based company, Quantum manufactured digital tape drives and now specialises in data protection and data solutions.

Anyone who is interested in attending the reunion is asked to email