Mother warns parents to be vigilant after her toddler daughter is approached by two men


Local parents have been warned to be vigilant after a possible kidnapping attempt at the southbound Applegreen service station at Castlebellingham yesterday morning.

Ruth McCormack, from Tallanstown, claims her toddler daughter Darcy was approached by two “predators” near the play area of the station yesterday.

Fortunately no harm came to her child but CCTV on the incident has been passed to Gardaí.

Commenting on Facebook yesterday, Ruth said: “I am one hundred and ten per cent positive that 2 predators (child snatchers/paedophiles/perverts/abductors whatever the hell you wanna call them) had eyes on my nearly 3 year old daughter this morning in the Applegreen service station play area.

“It’s a long story but basically they watched her continuously, everywhere we went, everything she did.

“I first thought they were watching me waiting for me to leave my bag down or something, but it quickly became clear they were watching her and one approached her at the first opportunity, then nearly tripped across himself to get away when I ran over.

“I had to ring my husband to come get us, who informed the manager who is passing CCTV footage to the gardai.”

Ruth added: “Please mind your babies. This kind of stuff is on everyone’s doorstep and is becoming far too common.”

A spokesperson for Gardaí in Ardee said: “We are currently investigating the incident reported to us. It is being treated as a potential suspicious approach.”