Cash and vehicles seized in Dundalk

GARDAI3Gardaí in Dundalk seized a quantity of cash and a number of vehicles following searches of two premises in North Louth on Friday.

The searches were part of a joint operation by the Gardaí, the PSNI and customs officers in the North.

No arrests have been made and investigations are ongoing.

Oil, cash and cigarettes seized following Revenue searches in north Louth

RevenueLogoRevenue officers seized a quantity of oil, cash and cigarettes, as well as uncovering a mobile oil laundry during a search of the area in recent days.

The finds were made as part of a search of North Louth and South Armagh, which was carried out in conjunction with Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs Service.

Three premises in the Ballybinaby and Castleroche areas were searched on Wednesday with 581,000 cigarettes, 26,000 litres of oil and €60,000 in cash seized, as well as two vehicles.

A separate search also uncovered a mobile oil laundry in Kilcurry on Monday.

Investigations into the finds are continuing with a file on the matter set to be sent to the Department of Public Prosecutions.

Public being warned about Garda impersonator in the area

The public are being warned to be wary of a man posing as a gardaí in the area at present.

The warning comes after an elderly man in Ardee handed over a sum of cash to a person claiming to be a member of An Garda Siochana last Thursday.

The supposed Garda called to the man’s home around 10.30am and told him he had counterfeit cash in his property, which had to be tested.

The homeowner subsequently handed over the money after being shown fake ID.

While this has been an isolated incident, people are being urged to be wary.

Information sought on stolen cigarette machine in Omeath

Gardaí are appealing for information after a cigarette machine and all of its content, including cigarettes and cash, were stolen from a filling station in Omeath last week.

The incident happened in the early hours of Thursday morning at Knocknagoran.

The thieves broke in and removed the machine intact from the premises.

Gardaí feel it would have had to be loaded onto a vehicle and are appealing for anyone who may have witnessed this or spotted anything suspicious in the area that night or that morning to contact them at Omeath Garda Station on 042 9375175.

Dundalk Gardaí investigating robbery of pizza delivery man at knife point

Gardaí in Dundalk are appealing for information from the public after a pizza delivery man was robbed at knife point in the Muirhevnamor area of the town on Sunday.

The delivery man was dropping off a pizza when he was approached by a man dressed in all black. This individual then produced a knife and demanded any cash the driver had on him.

He had his face covered but is described as being 6ft in height and of slim build.

Anyone with any information on the incident or who may have spotted anything suspicious at the time is asked to contact Dundalk Gardaí.

Substantial sum stolen during break-in to Dundalk business premises

A substantial amount of cash was stolen when a safe was removed from a warehouse premises along the Ramparts Road over the course of the weekend.

The break-in happened sometime between Friday evening and Monday morning, with the thieves gaining access to the premises after cutting a hole in the roof.

From there they gained access to an upstairs office before removing the safe, which is reported to have contained a large sum of money.

Gardaí investigating the incident claim that at least three people would have had to carry the safe because of its weight and are asking anyone with information on the break-in or who might have seen anything suspicious in the Ramparts area over the course of the weekend to contact them at Dundalk Garda Station or the confidential line number 1800 666 111.

Cash, cigarettes and counterfeit alcohol seized in Dundalk

Cash, cigarettes and counterfeit alcohol were seized by the Revenue’s Customs Service in Dundalk yesterday.

In two connected and intelligence-led operations, officers from Revenue’s Customs Service, assisted by the Gardaí seized 672 litres of counterfeit vodka, 25,000 cigarettes and five vehicles.

A six-figure sum of cash including sterling and euro, along with a small quantity of US and Canadian dollars, were also detained under the Proceeds of Crime Legislation.

The cigarettes seized include ‘Voxx’ and ‘Racquel Slim’ brands, and have a retail value of €12,000 with a potential loss to the exchequer of approximately of €9,000.

One man in his thirties is been questioned and joint investigations by both Revenue and Gardaí are also continuing.