8,180 homes in Louth benefit from energy schemes since 2009

Senator Mary Moran

Senator Mary Moran welcomed the news that people were signing up for the Better Energy grants

A total of 8,108 homes in Louth have benefitted from the Government’s Better Energy Homes and Warmer Homes schemes since 2009.

The figures, which have just been released, demonstrate the successful uptake of the schemes in Louth.

Overall, 4,416 local homes availed of the ‘Better Energy Homes’ scheme, while 3,692 Louth homes have benefitted from ‘Better Energy Warmer Homes’.

The figures reflect total uptake in the county during the period 2009 – when the schemes were first introduced – to the end of January 2015.

The Better Energy Warmer Homes Scheme is a free home energy upgrade service, while the popular Better Energy Home scheme involves grants for insulation and heating upgrades, that is free for people to avail of.

Commenting on the figures, local Senator Mary Moran said: “I am delighted that just over 8,000 homes in Louth are now warmer, more energy efficient and have cheaper energy bills as a result.

“These latest figures show the government’s success in reducing energy costs for families in Louth and improving comfort levels within their homes. The schemes incentivise homes to become energy efficient by providing a cash grant or services, such as attic insulation and cavity wall insulation, at no cost to the household.

“We are dedicated to ensuring a high quality of living for Irish people. These schemes prevent people from being plunged into energy poverty while also ensuring they stay warm in their homes.”

Council will not be passing on tenant information to Irish Water

irishwater-waterchargesLouth County Council will not be handing over tenant information to Irish Water without their consent.

The decision was made at Monday’s meeting at Co Louth Golf Club in Baltray, where it was also agreed not to add outstanding water charges to the rent account of tenants.

Water charges have been in place since January, with the first bills expected in April. However, hundreds of thousands of households around the country have yet to sign up for them, with protests continuing.

There had been fears that the local authority may force its tenants into paying but this will not be the case after councillors pointed out that this would be in breach of data protection rights.

Cuchulainn Credit Union to offer current account style facilities to members

logoA local credit union is one of a handful around the country set to take on the banks by introducing electronic payment options to its members.

Cuchulainn Credit Union on the Ramparts Road is one of a handful set to apply to the Central Bank for approval to offer debit cards.

This will mean that it will be able to offer an alternative to the current accounts currently offered in banks with people becoming more and more frustrated by the level of charges and fees for day-to-day banking services that are being charged by the likes of AIB, Bank of Ireland, Ulster Bank and others.

It is estimated that a family with two current accounts will pay €260 in fees and charges this year but this would be eliminated by a credit union account.

The roll out of the electronic payments infrastructure is already available in Carrickmacross and will come to Dundalk’s Cuchulainn Credit Union by the end of April.

This will allow members to have their wages or pension paid directly to their member accounts, with electronic payments able to be taken out for various bills and other direct debits. A debit card would also mean they could withdraw money when needed or pay at the till when paying for items.

Other credit unions are set to follow suit with 60 more set to follow in Cuchulainn’s footsteps by September according to the Credit Union Service Organisation for Payments (CUSOP), who are handling the roll-out of the new service.