Adams again denies being a member of the IRA despite just 4% of poll believing him

Gerry Adams

Gerry Adams

Sinn Féin president Gerry Adams has again denied ever being a member of the IRA – despite being presented with an opinion poll earlier this week which showed that just 4% of voters believed him.

The Louth TD said the 89pc of people surveyed by RTÉ show ‘Claire Byrne Live’, who believe he was a member of the IRA, are “absolutely” wrong.

The survey took the opinions of 1,000 people, and just 7pc said they didn’t know if they believed Mr Adams.

Mr Adams said he thought it was a “settled matter” and that his denial had been his “consistent position”.

“I stood for an election in Louth, they’re the people who voted and trust me.

“The people in the next election will have the opportunity to sack me if they so wish, so let’s not get distracted,” he said.

When probed by Claire Byrne as to what response he has to people who don’t believe him when he denies he was a member of the IRA, the Sinn Féin TD said he doesn’t “say anything to them”.

The survey also asked people whether it mattered to them if Mr Adams was a member of the IRA. Some 47pc of respondents said that it did matter, while 45pc said it didn’t.

Mr Adams added: “I say vote for Sinn Féin in the next election. I say to them vote for Sinn Féin to continue our work in the peace process.”