Local properties sold at auction

10 Yorke Street

10 Yorke Street

Three local properties sold at yesterday’s Allsop auction in the RDS in Dublin.

First under the hammer was 10 Yorke Street, a mid-terraced property set up as two one bed apartments, which sold for €51,000, more than double its €25,000 reserve.

An abandoned three bed end of terrace house at 41 Doolargy Avenue in Muirhevnamor also sold for €37,500, again well above its €20,000 reserve.

Finally 0.91 acres of land at Edentubber in Ravensdale sold for €17,000, just over its €15,000 reserve.

Number 61 Oaklawns was also due to be sold on the day but was withdrawn prior to auction.

Doolargy Avenue

41 Doolargy Avenue

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