Danny Hughes RIP

Danny and his son Conor outside their shop in Blackrock

Danny and his son Conor outside their shop in Blackrock

The death has occurred of popular local businessman Danny Hughes.

Danny was best known for his shop, Danny Hughes & Son, on Main Street in Blackrock where many people bought their first bucket and spade, musical instrument, religious item or even just an ice cream.

Danny, who was 103, ran the shop up until recent years with his only child Conor, who is well known in the area for his charity Cross Cause and for his musical group, The Willing Fools.

Danny, who established the business in 1949, was also involved in showbands over the years and musicians continued to come from all over the country to buy instruments from him. While Conor primarily led the musical side of things, it was well known nationwide with sing-songs a regular occurrence in store.

A keen writer, Danny also wrote a number of books over the years and for many years strived to write a story per day and was renowned for his tales.

His wife, who died some years back, also worked there and it was fitting that he met her in Blackrock, a place he loved so much.

In September 2010 Paula Flynn recorded a documentary for RTÉ with Danny and Conor, which you can still listen to here.

Funeral details will be made later.

Sympathy is extended to his many friends and family. May he Rest In Peace.

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