Fitzpatrick accuses Adams of having no regard for the wellbeing of children in Louth

Peter Fitzpatrick TD

Peter Fitzpatrick TD

Local Fine Gael TD Peter Fitzpatrick has accused Sinn Féin’s Gerry Adams of having no regard for the wellbeing of children in the constituency over his failure to expose suspected child sex abusers who were expelled out of Northern Ireland by the IRA and moved into border counties, including Louth, to avoid publicity and the full rigours of the law.

In a hard-hitting statement, Deputy Fitzpatrick said it was important that these people be reported and their present whereabouts determined to avoid potential risk to local children.

The former Louth manager said:Over the past number of weeks there has been wide-spread speculation that suspected child sex abusers were expelled out of Northern Ireland by Sinn Féin/IRA and relocated to other areas including Co Louth. It is simply unacceptable that Gerry Adams, a TD for county Louth, has not exposed these people.

“The names of these people need to be reported and their present whereabouts confirmed. At present suspected abusers are living among communities who have no idea of the dangers they may be exposed to and these crimes must be investigated.

“It is obvious by his actions, or lack of them, that Gerry Adams has no regard for the wellbeing of children or for the people of county Louth, as Adams was aware that his child abusing brother was living and working in Dundalk for many years. Adams’ niece Áine told him in 1987 what had happened and in 2000 Liam Adams himself confessed to his brother.

“Gerry Adams did not report his brother’s crime to anyone until 2007 a full seven years after his brother confirmed that the abuse had taken place. Gerry Adams did nothing to inform or protect the people of Dundalk when Liam Adams was living there and working as a youth worker.

“There is no issue more serious than the sexual abuse of children and minors, and on this occasion I believe Gerry Adams needs to speak out and address truthfully the many questions that remain unanswered.

“Adams has evaded question after question over the years but on this occasion he cannot be allowed to avoid the questions that I, and the people who have been in contact with me over this issue, have. We have a right to know the truth.”

One thought on “Fitzpatrick accuses Adams of having no regard for the wellbeing of children in Louth

  1. You keep picking up the big wage packet fitzpatrick, , what about the water meters what about the poor man..

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