Senator Mullen calls for extension of property tax deadline

Rónán Mullen

Rónán Mullen

Senator Rónán Mullen, Independent candidate for Europe in the Midlands-North-West constituency of which Louth is a part of, has called on the Government to extend the deadline of 31st March for people to bring their local property tax affairs up to date.

Commenting on the fact that the Revenue intends to initiate a nationwide ‘compliance’ programme in April for those who have not entered into arrangements for the payment of their 2014 property tax by the end of this month, Senator Mullen called for the government to exercise compassion towards those who, through difficult financial circumstances have failed to make provision for payment of their property tax to date.
Senator Mullen said: “It is a credit to the people of Louth that the latest reported property tax compliance rates for the county are so high, given the difficulties that a lot of families find themselves in this year.  However, for those who have not yet made arrangements to deal with the payment of their property tax, it is important that the Revenue show understanding of their circumstances. Extending the deadline for another three months to 30th June 2014 would demonstrate such understanding.”
While acknowledging that a payment deferral programme exists for some, Senator Mullen said that many of those who are silently struggling because of large mortgage and other debt simply won’t qualify for deferral under the current guidelines.
“Families around Ireland are struggling to meet their basic daily needs and Government must acknowledge and make provision for this,” Senator Mullen concluded.
Those who have questions or queries about their property tax liability or want to find out whether they can qualify for deferral of the tax can telephone the Revenue Local Property Tax helpline on 1890 200 255