Committee formed aimed at reopening Dunleer Train Station

The Dunleer Train Station committee

The Dunleer Train Station committee

A committee was formed earlier this week in Dunleer, aimed at reopening the town’s train station.

The station has been closed for 30 years but there has been strong calls over the years for it to be reopened.

A meeting was held in The Grove House in Dunleer on Monday night to discuss the reopening of the station, with around 60 attending.

Following the meeting, a committee was formed to lead a campaign for the station’s reopening. It includes local representatives including Louth TD Peter Fitzpatrick and councillors Frank Godfrey, Finnan McCoy, Dolores Minogue, Pearse McGeough and Colm Markey.

In a statement earlier this week, Irish Rail said reopening the station is not in its current investment plan and it does not feature in the current programme for government.

A spokesperson said the only option would be a developer-led initiative but this would have to be subject to a business case being put forward.

Local TD Fitzpatrick said it was now up to committee and people of the town to show there is a strong demand for the station.

Dunleer Railway Station was closed by CIE in 1984

Dunleer Railway Station was closed by CIE in 1984